Our Team

Our organization is entirely made up of volunteers. Without their help, we would not be able to fulfill our mission. Thank you for your tireless efforts.

New York Members
Johnny Gaston – President
David Viard – VP & Public Relation
Mario Frank – Advisor
Oreste Gaston – Senior Advisor/Entertainement Director/Loving DJ
Elange Gaston – Treasurer


Massachusetts Members
Emmanuel Nicolas – President
Jean Ronald Dupoux – VP


Canada Members
Fritz Lamothe – President


Founding Members
Citee Gaston, Liaza Choiseuil, Roselie Lavaud, Simone Joseph Dumbard, Rosite Denis, Eng. Francois, Jenet Casimir, Tales Choiseuil, Mijou Etienne, Pauline Clervil, Walter Primpin, and Epheuse Poponeau.

These are the true warriors that saw and paving the way for our beloved country.


A Special Thank You
AHPAG would like to send out a special thank you to:

Ancient President Preval
Mr. Marcus Gracia
Eng. Arnold Rocher
Eng Augustan
Ancient Ministeur Frantz Gerella
Senateur Trevet

For the value effort of making out road project possible. Without them the route to Gerrin wouldn’t be going on as we speak.
Thank you all for putting your heart with our Teams to make this possible.